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Sunday, February 11, 2007

February First Post 

After quite some time, finally a new post in the new month.

Somehow I always have problem to pen down the events that have taken place. Many things flashed in my mind before I logged in to this blog. But my fingers will not type whenever I come to this space. Maybe is just my problem; describing in words has always been a challenge for me.

Once again, life still goes on. I make sure I am always 24/7 ready to be activated, be it operationally or administratively. That's should be the mindset when working in SAF, i suppose. Sorry no details as I do not want my photos to be published in news and papers. :P

Has been driving for a month. Yes, I have gotten used to it. Parking is no longer an issue however I should try on parallel parking when chance comes. But sad thing is that there is already a minor scratch on the left door. Haiz...

Going to be another lonely Valentine's day. Any volunteer want to have candlelight dinner with me on that day so that I would not have consecutive 4 years of loneliness? Nah, just joking. But if anyone of you wanna date me, please do not hesitate. I will try to make myself free even I am tied up with work. hahaha...

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